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Elijah Gray
Elijah Gray

Binney And Tremaine Galactic Dynamics Pdf 16 ((EXCLUSIVE))

Introductory lecture (PDF) Lecture 2: Orbital dynamics (PDF) Two excellent textbooks covering orbital dynamics are Binney & Tremaine and Murray & Dermott. The mechanics of accretion is discussed in Lynden-Bell & Pringle (1974). The relevance of period orbits of the restricted three-body problem for discs in binary stars is discussed in Paczyński (1977). Lecture 3: Global and local views (PDF) The shearing sheet was introduced in the context of galactic dynamics by Goldreich & Lynden-Bell (1965) and used for local simulations of planetary rings by Wisdom & Tremaine (1988). Lecture 4: Evolution of an accretion disc (PDF) Lecture 5: Boundary conditions and steady accretion (PDF) Lecture 6: Time-dependent accretion (PDF) The evolution of viscous discs is discussed in Lynden-Bell & Pringle (1974). A lot of the theory was worked out in the Cambridge PhD theses of these two authors. Lecture 7: Vertical structure (PDF) The alpha prescription for the viscosity (or stress) in a disc was proposed, and applied to the structure of steady accretion discs, by Shakura & Sunyaev (1973), the most famous paper in our subject. Lecture 8: Radiative models (PDF) Lecture 9: Thermal instability / Hydrodynamics of the shearing sheet (PDF) Lecture 10: Vortices in discs (PDF) Lecture 11: Density waves and gravitational instability (PDF) Lecture 12: Outcome of gravitational instability (PDF) Lecture 13: Magnetic fields in discs (PDF) Lecture 14: The magnetorotational instability (PDF) Lecture 15: Satellite-disc interaction (PDF) Lecture 16: Satellite-disc / Particle-disc interaction (PDF)

binney and tremaine galactic dynamics pdf 16

Since it was first published in 1987, Galactic Dynamics has become the most widely used advanced textbook on the structure and dynamics of galaxies and one of the most cited references in astrophysics. Now, in this extensively revised and updated edition, James Binney and Scott Tremaine describe the dramatic recent advances in this subject, making Galactic Dynamics the most authoritative introduction to galactic astrophysics available to advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, and researchers.

Every part of the book has been thoroughly overhauled, and many sections have been completely rewritten. Many new topics are covered, including N-body simulation methods, black holes in stellar systems, linear stability and response theory, and galaxy formation in the cosmological context. Binney and Tremaine, two of the world's leading astrophysicists, use the tools of theoretical physics to describe how galaxies and other stellar systems work, succinctly and lucidly explaining theoretical principles and their applications to observational phenomena. They provide readers with an understanding of stellar dynamics at the level needed to reach the frontiers of the subject.


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